═══ 1. Index ═══ Fields on this form:  L INDEXBOX ═══ 1.1. L INDEXBOX ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 2. Settings ═══ Fields on this form:  E TABTEXT  SMTP  Pop 3  SMTP  Pop 3  E FROM  E REPLY  E SMTPHOST  Advanced settings  E MAILPATH  E INDEXNAME  E FILTER  E POPHOSTN  E POPUSER  E POPPSWD  OK  Cancel ═══ 2.1. E TABTEXT ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 2.2. SMTP ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 2.3. Pop 3 ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 2.4. SMTP ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 2.5. Pop 3 ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 2.6. E FROM ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 2.7. E REPLY ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 2.8. E SMTPHOST ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 2.9. Advanced settings ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 2.10. E MAILPATH ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 2.11. E INDEXNAME ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 2.12. E FILTER ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 2.13. E POPHOSTN ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 2.14. E POPUSER ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 2.15. E POPPSWD ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 2.16. OK ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 2.17. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 3. Header ═══ Fields on this form:  E TO  E SUBJECT  E CC  E BCC  OK  Cancel  Include quote of original message  Send immediately (otherwise message will be held)  Save a copy of this message in your outbox  Request a return receipt  E TEMPLATE  B TOLOOKUP  B CCLOOKUP  B BCCLOOKUP ═══ 3.1. E TO ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 3.2. E SUBJECT ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 3.3. E CC ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 3.4. E BCC ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 3.5. OK ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 3.6. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 3.7. Include quote of original message ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 3.8. Send immediately (otherwise message will be held) ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 3.9. Save a copy of this message in your outbox ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 3.10. Request a return receipt ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 3.11. E TEMPLATE ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 3.12. B TOLOOKUP ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 3.13. B CCLOOKUP ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 3.14. B BCCLOOKUP ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 4. Pickaddress ═══ Fields on this form:  L PICKLIST  OK  Cancel ═══ 4.1. L PICKLIST ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 4.2. OK ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 4.3. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 5. Pickfolder ═══ Fields on this form:  L PICKLIST  OK  Cancel  New ═══ 5.1. L PICKLIST ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 5.2. OK ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 5.3. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 5.4. New ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 6. Settings2 ═══ Fields on this form:  E TIME  Automatically check for new mail  Automatically send new mail when created  Remove messages from server after they are fetched  Save copies of all outgoing message  Show message headers inside viewer  Include message header inside message editor  Automatically invoke header editing BEFORE message editor  Automatically invoke header editing AFTER message editor  Reformat the text of outgoing messages (wrap lines at  E WRAPAT  Quote original message when reply  Periodic beep when new mail exists 'in the background'  Always use external editor (Editor  E EDITOR  OK  Cancel ═══ 6.1. E TIME ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 6.2. Automatically check for new mail ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 6.3. Automatically send new mail when created ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 6.4. Remove messages from server after they are fetched ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 6.5. Save copies of all outgoing message ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 6.6. Show message headers inside viewer ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 6.7. Include message header inside message editor ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 6.8. Automatically invoke header editing BEFORE message editor ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 6.9. Automatically invoke header editing AFTER message editor ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 6.10. Reformat the text of outgoing messages (wrap lines at: ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 6.11. E WRAPAT ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 6.12. Quote original message when reply ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 6.13. Periodic beep when new mail exists 'in the background' ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 6.14. Always use external editor (Editor: ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 6.15. E EDITOR ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 6.16. OK ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 6.17. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 7. Settings3 ═══ Fields on this form:  Suppress blank subject warnings  OK  Cancel  Suppress message deletion confirmation ═══ 7.1. Suppress blank subject warnings ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 7.2. OK ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 7.3. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 7.4. Suppress message deletion confirmation ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 8. Printersettings ═══ Fields on this form:  Prompt for option confirmation before printing  Include complete message header  Default  M INCLUDE  M EXCLUDE  Lpt1  Lpt2  Lpt3  C LPTOTHER  E OTHER  Formated  Draft  Formated  Draft  OK  Cancel  Printer setup  Fonts  Include  Exclude ═══ 8.1. Prompt for option confirmation before printing ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 8.2. Include complete message header ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 8.3. Default ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 8.4. M INCLUDE ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 8.5. M EXCLUDE ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 8.6. Lpt1 ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 8.7. Lpt2 ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 8.8. Lpt3 ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 8.9. C LPTOTHER ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 8.10. E OTHER ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 8.11. Formated ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 8.12. Draft ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 8.13. Formated ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 8.14. Draft ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 8.15. OK ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 8.16. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 8.17. Printer setup ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 8.18. Fonts ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 8.19. Include ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 8.20. Exclude ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 9. Address ═══ Fields on this form:  E NAME  E ADDRESS  Display in 'popup' menu (RMB in TO fields)  OK  Cancel ═══ 9.1. E NAME ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 9.2. E ADDRESS ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 9.3. Display in 'popup' menu (RMB in TO fields) ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 9.4. OK ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 9.5. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 10. Folder ═══ Fields on this form:  E NAME  E TABTEXT  Automatically open on program load  OK  Cancel ═══ 10.1. E NAME ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 10.2. E TABTEXT ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 10.3. Automatically open on program load ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 10.4. OK ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 10.5. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 11. Addresslist ═══ Fields on this form:  L PICKLIST  Edit  Delete  D~one  New  Cancel ═══ 11.1. L PICKLIST ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 11.2. Edit ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 11.3. Delete ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 11.4. D~one ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 11.5. New ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 11.6. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 12. Password ═══ Fields on this form:  E POPPSWD  OK  Cancel ═══ 12.1. E POPPSWD ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 12.2. OK ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 12.3. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 13. Replyaddress ═══ Fields on this form:  Reply-to: user@domain  From: user@doman  OK  Cancel ═══ 13.1. Reply-to: user@domain ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 13.2. From: user@doman ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 13.3. OK ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 13.4. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 14. Printers ═══ Fields on this form:  L PRINTERLIST  OK  Cancel  Job Properties ═══ 14.1. L PRINTERLIST ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 14.2. OK ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 14.3. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 14.4. Job Properties ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 15. Popcount ═══ Fields on this form:  E COUNT  OK  Cancel ═══ 15.1. E COUNT ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 15.2. OK ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 15.3. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 16. Message ═══ Fields on this form:  E MESSAGE  E REPLYTEXT  Reply  Close  Header  B FOREWARD  B FONT  B HEADERTOGGLE  B BACK  B SPLIT ═══ 16.1. E MESSAGE ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 16.2. E REPLYTEXT ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 16.3. Reply ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 16.4. Close ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 16.5. Header ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 16.6. B FOREWARD ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 16.7. B FONT ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 16.8. B HEADERTOGGLE ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 16.9. B BACK ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 16.10. B SPLIT ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 17. Opt tabs ═══ Fields on this form:  TABSTOPS  OK  Cancel ═══ 17.1. TABSTOPS ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 17.2. OK ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 17.3. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 18. Edit search ═══ Fields on this form:  SEARCH  REPLACEWORD  Case Sensitive  Search  Replace  Replace All  Cancel ═══ 18.1. SEARCH ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 18.2. REPLACEWORD ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 18.3. Case Sensitive ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 18.4. Search ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 18.5. Replace ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 18.6. Replace All ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 18.7. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 19. Picksynonym ═══ Fields on this form:  F WORD  L WORDS  Replace  Cancel  Look up  Insert  Append  More  Previous list ═══ 19.1. F WORD ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 19.2. L WORDS ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 19.3. Replace ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 19.4. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 19.5. Look up ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 19.6. Insert ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 19.7. Append ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 19.8. More ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 19.9. Previous list ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 20. Pickword ═══ Fields on this form:  F WORD  L WORDS  OK  Cancel  Skip  Ignore this pass  Add to Dict ═══ 20.1. F WORD ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 20.2. L WORDS ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 20.3. OK ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 20.4. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 20.5. Skip ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 20.6. Ignore this pass ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 20.7. Add to Dict ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 21. Print options ═══ Fields on this form:  F TOP  F LINES  F LEFT  F COLUMNS  Lpt ~1  Lpt ~2  Lpt ~3  All  Block  Number the lines  OK  Cancel ═══ 21.1. F TOP ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 21.2. F LINES ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 21.3. F LEFT ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 21.4. F COLUMNS ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 21.5. Lpt ~1 ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 21.6. Lpt ~2 ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 21.7. Lpt ~3 ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 21.8. All ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 21.9. Block ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 21.10. Number the lines ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 21.11. OK ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 21.12. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 22. Symbol chart ═══ Fields on this form:  V SYMBOLS  OK  Cancel ═══ 22.1. V SYMBOLS ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 22.2. OK ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 22.3. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 23. Write mode ═══ Fields on this form:  F WORD  Append to existing file  Overwrite existing file  Cancel  None  Dashed line  User-defined header ═══ 23.1. F WORD ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 23.2. Append to existing file ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 23.3. Overwrite existing file ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 23.4. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 23.5. None ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 23.6. Dashed line ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 23.7. User-defined header ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 24. Format options ═══ Fields on this form:  Done  F WRAP AT  F SPACES  Remove CR's  Remove Quoting  Rewrap  Indent  Add quoting  Sample ═══ 24.1. Done ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 24.2. F WRAP AT ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 24.3. F SPACES ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 24.4. Remove CR's ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 24.5. Remove Quoting ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 24.6. Rewrap ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 24.7. Indent ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 24.8. Add quoting ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 24.9. Sample ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 25. Format options2 ═══ Fields on this form:  Done  F WRAP AT  F SPACES  Format  Sample  Off  Each line  First line ═══ 25.1. Done ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 25.2. F WRAP AT ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 25.3. F SPACES ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 25.4. Format ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 25.5. Sample ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 25.6. Off ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 25.7. Each line ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 25.8. First line ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26. Sorts ═══ Fields on this form:  No Sort  Natural  Date/Time  Subject  From user  To User  Ascending  Descending  Suppress duplicate text  No Sort  Natural  Date/Time  Subject  From user  To User  Ascending  Descending  Suppress duplicate text  No Sort  Natural  Date/Time  Subject  From user  To User  Ascending  Descending  Suppress duplicate text  Apply  Save  Cancel ═══ 26.1. No Sort ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.2. Natural ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.3. Date/Time ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.4. Subject ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.5. From user ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.6. To User ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.7. Ascending ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.8. Descending ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.9. Suppress duplicate text ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.10. No Sort ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.11. Natural ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.12. Date/Time ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.13. Subject ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.14. From user ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.15. To User ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.16. Ascending ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.17. Descending ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.18. Suppress duplicate text ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.19. No Sort ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.20. Natural ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.21. Date/Time ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.22. Subject ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.23. From user ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.24. To User ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.25. Ascending ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.26. Descending ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.27. Suppress duplicate text ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.28. Apply ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.29. Save ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 26.30. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 27. Foldersort ═══ Fields on this form:  No Sort  Folder Description  Last Modified Date/Time  Number of entries  Ascending  Descending  Apply  Save  Cancel ═══ 27.1. No Sort ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 27.2. Folder Description ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 27.3. Last Modified Date/Time ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 27.4. Number of entries ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 27.5. Ascending ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 27.6. Descending ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 27.7. Apply ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 27.8. Save ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 27.9. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 28. Listsearch ═══ Fields on this form:  F TEXT  Ok  Cancel ═══ 28.1. F TEXT ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 28.2. Ok ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 28.3. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 29. Headertext ═══ Fields on this form:  E MESSAGE  Ok  Close ═══ 29.1. E MESSAGE ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 29.2. Ok ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 29.3. Close ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 30. About ═══ Fields on this form:  101  DID OK ═══ 30.1. 101 ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 30.2. DID OK ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 31. Color select ═══ Fields on this form:  V COLORS  Foreground  Background  OK  Cancel ═══ 31.1. V COLORS ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 31.2. Foreground ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 31.3. Background ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 31.4. OK ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 31.5. Cancel ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 32. Colors ═══ Fields on this form:  V COLORS  Background  Text  Quotes  Higlights  L SAMPLE ═══ 32.1. V COLORS ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 32.2. Background ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 32.3. Text ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 32.4. Quotes ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 32.5. Higlights ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 32.6. L SAMPLE ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 33. Notimplemented ═══ Fields on this form: ═══ 34. Exit ═══ Fields on this form:  Yes  Esc=~No ═══ 34.1. Yes ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 34.2. Esc=~No ═══  Click here to see the general help panel for this screen ═══ 35. MB_MALFORMEDHEADER ═══ ═══ 36. MB_MESSAGENOTCHANGED ═══ ═══ 37. MB_MUTUALLYEXCLUSIVEFLAGS ═══ ═══ 38. MB_EMPTYMESSAGE ═══ ═══ 39. MB_BLANKTOFIELD ═══ ═══ 40. MB_BLANKSUBJECT ═══ ═══ 41. MB_NOFORWARDTEMPLATE ═══ ═══ 42. MB_CONFIRMADDRESSDELETE ═══ ═══ 43. MB_CHANGESNOTSAVED ═══ ═══ 44. MB_CONFIRMDELMESSAGE ═══ ═══ 45. MB_WRITEENTIREFILE ═══ ═══ 46. MB_TEXTNOTFOUND ═══ ═══ 47. MB_UUENCODINGERROR ═══ ═══ 48. MB_INSERTFILEERROR ═══ ═══ 49. MB_WRITEERROR ═══ ═══ 50. MB_MULTIPLEWINDOWOPEN ═══ ═══ 51. MB_DELETEMARKEDITEMS ═══ ═══ 52. MB_PRINTMARKEDITEMS ═══ ═══ 53. MB_POPCOUNTINCONSISTENT ═══ ═══ 54. MB_CLOSEALLANDEXIT ═══ ═══ 55. MB_CONFIRMPOP3PURGE ═══ ═══ 56. MB_FOLDERDIRERROR ═══